Dear JOynetters,
How are you all. Greetings from Jesus Youth of UK.
Last week was a blessed week for Jesus Youth of UK with the visit of Manoj Chettan. 
Together with we had our service team meeting in Birmingham. In UK we are planning for 
a JY UK National convention from May 23-27. With Manoj chettan's visit it really 
boosted the spirit of JYs in UK. In spite of his bussy schedule Manoj Chatten made 
visits to 2 important pockets of JY in UK, Manchester and Liverpool. Had the 
opportunity to have meeting with the Youth Pastor director of UK. 
Around 55 JYs gathered in Birmingham and we all had a 2 full days with our Loving 
Lord. The adoration led by Manoj Chettan and Mathachan helped many to take up 
commitments for the Lord. So please pray that it may become a permanent expereince in 
the Lord and stand for Jesus in this part of the world. Here the harvest is very large 
and the Labourors are very few..... A detailed mail on the activities and his visit we 
will be send soon.....Now Manoj chettan is on the way to India with breaks in Germany 
for the initial planing for the next Internation JY gathering. 

Lot many Malayalees are flying to this place and most of them are nurses. So if you 
have any contacts with any person how are here do tell and inspire them of the Jesus 
youth's presence here. 

with love n prayers
Joseph John for JY UK

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