Dear Family,

I was listening to the father of a boy from a very rich family...the boy had
so much of toys and he wanted more and more. Parents admit that just for his
toys and other needs, they had to spent IRS 2,00,000+ during the last couple
of years and his latest demand is that he wants to have his hair dressed
like one of the pop singer and the parents do know what to do.

Hearing the story  of this boy and about many others in this new generation
I was just appreciating how we all benefit as a joynet family or JY family.
Reading/hearing the experiences of many, there develops a thirst in us also
in the spiritual way and the desire for the Spiritual fruits, which is
contrary to the worldly desires like the boy in the above example.

Yesterday I was reading Prajomi's mail regarding praying the rosary even in
that noisy atmosphere... I was asking the question how about me? I travel
all alone and still do I concentrate on praying the rosary? Or do my
thoughts just wander?

Reading the sharing from Dr. Sindhu - needless to say how inspiring they
are - I was just checking with myself some points. Here I could see a child
of God with lots of spiritual wishes in her life. Among them were - the
greatest desire to see the Pope - Do I have this love and desire to see the
Pope? The answer somehow did not seem to be really inspiring..

Dear Dr. Sindhu, please share more from your walk in the Catholic life, from
which stage in this holy path, have you developed this great love and desire
to see the Pope.  I do not know if you can put these into words or the
answer is "any Catholic should have had this".. However as we believe our
faith increases by hearing..


Sijo Mooken

Abu Dhabi

----- Original Message -----
From: "sindhu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "joynet" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, March 15, 2003 8:39 PM
Subject: [JOYnet] Fruits...surplus ! .. How ?

> Hello family,
> We know fruits are produce of a tree/Plant.We get good fruits whent he
> is properly nourished.Like wise when we get filled by Holy Spirit ,all our
> actions will bear holy spirit ...
> Lo we 've the fruits of Holy Spirit.
> But how to get filled?  Its easy in this context..simply ask...remember
> Big  Brother saying "ask and it shall be given to you.....if you ask for
> holy spirit ,how much more will my Father in heaven give you...?!!"( cf
> ..Luke:11: 9 &13)
> I'll never forget what my spiritual father told me regarding how to ask
> HS..he said"when you ask for Holy spirit do so
> When i was in medical school i had little time to exercise (physical),but
> had to do some since i was having disc what i did was a
> filling execrcise...Early in the morning i start doing some exercise..
> ever i take a deep breath inside i will pray like this"Holy Spirit ,divine
> spouse of my heart ,come and fill me with your Love"and i could feel Him
> filling me .Then   when i exhale i will pray "Lord now i'm denouncing all
> that's against your love in me...and i could feel it going away..!!!Then
> i'll repeat the procedure asking  next fruit Joy,then
> patience,kindness......till faithfull ness. So ,you see, like wise i could
> by heart all fruits of the HS ! .Another unexpected fruit of the task he
> he .And also like wise i had no difficulty in counting too,i just need to
> pray two rounds for HS fruits and its done !and at the end of this
> excercise i'll be perfectly fit to go on with my personel prayer and then
> go out to trade this FRUITS....Alleluia.
> Isn't it exciting to do excercise with HOLY SPIRIT ?More over i enjoyed
> jogging /strolling with Padre Pio and do combine study with St. Anthony
> ,praying rosary with Mother theresa and ...even cooking  with Our
> Mind you Our Lady is an excellent cook.I can testify that..when i started
> cooking i always had fear putting salt and chilli etc...and i was all
> in my body to ask i pasted a photo of Our Lady in my
> kitchen and i used to consult her before putting all these..and yes,she
> never went wrong. Oh...even after night duties we had nice time cooking
> together and i still remeber how i could pray the 10 hailmary's correctly
> while doing kitchen chores..i put straight 10 tins of  salt , chilli etc
> line so that even while cutting vegetables or doing other things i can
> correctly by looking at those and still keep the count..tin
> !!!!Plus those things inside the tins could inspire many symbolic
> "salt "of the Earth etc...
> I will share one more thing...i always had two dreams after becoming a
> to meet the Pope and second to pray a rosary with Mother Theresa.
> The first thing became reality first in WYD 1997 in Paris and many times
> afterwards..but i could go to Calcutta only after Mother Theresa's
>  death.So when i was there praying in the chapel at her tomb.i asked her
> ."Mother why was that i could not come here before you died?.. i just
> to pray a rosary with you... "Then she told me " See if you had come here
> before ,may be you would have satisfied ny saying just one rosary with
> me..but mind you now i can be every where, so when ever you want to pray a
> rosary ,just call me , i can come and we can always pray together.." Oh
> wondeful idea mother."... i cried out of joy. So we pray together the
> happily ever after...
> What a wonderful thing this catholic church is ... you name it we have
> it!!!!
> In joyful communion,
> Sindhu, Chicago, USA.

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