
Bincy, I know just what your grandma was like, coz' my grandma was the same.
I have never seen her, but I got to know her through my mom. Mom always
tells me about her. So though I have never seen her, I know everything about
her. To me she is an intellectual.
She never owned more than a single sari. If someone gave her a new one, she
would immediately give the old one away to a poor woman. She taught my mom
and her siblings how to pray. Mom says she scolded them if they didn't pray
aloud and clear.
Mom  told me that she lost her eyesight by reading. In those days, she could
only read by the light of the oil lamp. She passed on what she read to her
children. And guess what she read? The lives of saints.
Mom reminisces and tells me that under her mother's pillow (grandma), she
would always find a little money, a rosary and a prayer book.
I know my grandma had to endure a lot, much more than anyone her age,
especially since my grandpa was famous for his hot-temper. But grandma was
as patient as ever. She was known for her wisdom, understanding,
spirituality and kindness.
My mom has received some of these traits though she doesn't concede to the
fact and she's trying to pass them on to me. But I must tell you, I haven't
been very good at learning from her.
To all those wonderful grandmas and moms in the world - a big thank you for
making us what we are today.

-------Original Message-------

From: Bincy Abraham
Date: Monday, March 17, 2003 08:52:49
Subject: [JOYnet] Re: Living Generosity

Hi friends,

when i first read Sindhu's email about "what the old granny had taught
her", i couldn't help but remember my grandmother (my mom's mom). she
passed away 7 years ago but not a day goes by that my family nor i don't
remember or speak about her... she was a wonderful, loving woman who had
a tremendously GENEROUS heart!!! she gave unconditionally all that she
had and she never looked at who she was giving to or what she was giving
but as long as there was a person who needed her help, she just gave
freely!!!! there was no limit or boundaries to her sharing-- she gave
whatever was asked of her--her time, talents, her love, her compassion,
her very self....

my grandmother was very blessed not only to be able to raise her children
but she was involved in the lives of ALL of her grandchildren at some
point or another and we her grandchildren were blessed to be close to her
and to see her carry out her faith in her words and actions!!! i lived
with my grandma and grandpa and my mom's younger brother and sister for 3
years in Kerala. this was a very early period of my life and i was
between the ages of 3-6. even though i was young, many memories stick out
in mind of that time...

my mom's house in Ettumanoor is on top of a huge hill... we had just
enough to meet our daily needs but all of our neighbors were very poor
and struggling just for food, water and the bare necessities.. my
grandparents actually allowed our well to be the neighborhood well where
everyone could draw the water for all their needs and our pond was the
neighborhood hot spot for all bathing and washing and town news... my
grandparents also gave part of their land free to this one family who
basically had nothing and even gave them the means to build a small house
on our property and supported this family and their children till they
got married...but all these generous acts were initiated by my grandma. i
remember that the kitchen was her territory and as soon as the sun rose,
it was filled with all the ladies of the area (chadithee mara)..it was
where they shared their lives, their struggles, their hopes for their
families.. there was always someone there with my grandma till the sun
set.. she would teach them about Jesus and the Bible (she was not very
educated but she shared the little things she knew or heard at the homily
or from someone--"kitchen evangelization"), she would give them rosaries
and prayer books... all the ladies would help my grandma with the cooking
and she would give them the best part of the dishes to take to their
families and we ended up with the leftovers (now since i was her first
granddaughter and since i was left there by my parents, i always got my
share and so did my grandpa but my uncle and aunt were not so lucky and
were not so happy with her at times..sometimes b/c of how much my grandma
gave, she would go to bed on an empty stomach).. if someone needed money,
she just gave without thinking if she had any left for her family (it was
not like we were rich or anything but she knew that God would
provide)...one thing as a child that i remember is an incident in which i
was not happy with her...my mom had given my grandma a beautiful gold
necklace and i think this was the only jewelry she had and wore and i was
so happy to see it on her b/c my mom had given it to her...she ended up
giving it to someone so they could sell it and receive the money from the
sale and i was so upset with her.. i remember i cried "why did you have
to give it away" and she wiped my tears and said "it is only a necklace..
it is a material thing only which will come and go.. but the gifts from
God are eternal and will last forever... God provides and gives freely
and we should do likewise"... at that very young age, i did not
appreciate her words but now i value and cherish them in my heart....

when my grandmother died--the whole town mourned--the number of people
who came to see the body and were at the funeral were beyond counting
capacity..the poor of the area were in majority.. she was the life of our
family and of the town... when we were grieving we were comforted by all
the neighbors who shared the many things that she had done for them.

one thing i would like to mention, looking back on her life--the secret
behind her unconditional generosity was her devotion to Mother Mary who
strengthened her spiritual, prayer life and made it fruitful...her
personal priorities included going to mass, saying rosary and daily night
family prayer which she initiated and she was very punctual and
consistent...my grandmother's daughters took some of her personal
belongings after she died(to somehow hold a little piece of her to
remember) and my mom got her most valued item--her rosary and that was
all my mom wanted!!! i feel like all of her children, grandchildren and
now great grandchildren are being blessed daily for her prayers and
loving works...i know she is a powerful person interceding for us from

i can go on and on about my grandma but i have to stop b/c my eyes are
filled with tears...i can't see the computer well...

Luv n prayers, Bincy :=) Chicago[IMAGE]



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