Hi friends,

my friend Litty (aka Tresa) from Chicago send this on JYA (Jesus Youth of
America) and i wanted to share it with you all... we have a saying here
that when the Lord wants you to do something at a particular time and you
hesitate or put it off to do at your convenience, He will find someone
else to do HIS work. I also had a thought put in me to share about Mother
Teresa and i was going to do it soon (ask Josun i was telling him that i
was going to do it today) but i did not do it at His time!!! I was
jumping with joy when Litty's first line read that "we can't discuss the
topic of generosity, without mentioning one of the most generous people
who ever lived in our lifetime-Mother Teresa" b/c the same thought was
planted in me by the SPIRIT!!!! Praise the LORD!!!!

Luv n Prayers, Bincy :=)

>From: "Tresa Velacherry" >To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] >Subject:
[JYA] generosity >Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2003 12:28:53 -0600 > > >We can't
discuss the topic of generosity, without mentioning one of the most
>generous people who ever lived in our lifetime. > >Below are some quotes
from Mother Theresa > >1.)What is a Christian? someone asked a Hindu man.
He responded: "a >Christian is someone who gives". > >2.)I ask you one
thing: do not tire of giving, but do not give your >leftovers. > >3.)Give
until it hurts, until you feel the pain. > >4.)Let no one ever come to
you without leaving better and happier. Be the >living expression of
God's kindness: kindness in your face, kindness in your >eyes, kindness
in your smile. > >5.)It is not how much you do, but how much love you put
into the doing and >sharing with others that is important. Try not to
judge people. If you judge >others then you are not giving love. >
>6.)The hunger for love is much more difficult to remove than the hunger
for >bread. > > > > > >
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