Hi friends, let us pray extra hard these days for world peace!!! things
are getting really bad in the Middle East. i just wanted to share with
you parts from an email from my cousin in KUWAIT who is a JY full timer
and nurse working there: "Here things r geting to the climax War is at
hand our ministory is not at all concerned about us .No precotionary
divises have been given .    We hv no mony with us as we haven't got our
salary yet . We may be shifted to the hospital with in days .Our only
hope is in Lord ,we live be Paslam 23 .So we need u r Prayers hope u
understod the siriosnes" Please keep him and all in the Middle East in
your prayers!!! we sit here physically far from the possible war areas
but that does not mean the problem is not real nor that we can be
separated from the problem or the people who are hurting right now!!! Luv
n Prayers, Bincy :=)


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