Hi friends,

this last sun evening, i was blessed to be invited to a birthday prayer gathering at the home of one of our Christeen youths in Chicago. all the JYC were there also and it was wonderful, prayerful fellowship!!!

the prayer was conducted in their family room and we all faced the fireplace where on the ledge there was large picture of Jesus with His hands stretched out... you couldn't see the stigmata marks in the palms..i thought i was seeing things on the picture that were not there (hallucinating???).. then my friend Jojo whispers to me, "see the bandage? see the bandage on Jesus?" i was like oh my goodness he too saw the bandages so they must be there. there were two bandages placed on the palms of Jesus to cover the Crucifixion marks/stigmata... we asked the mom of the house, did you know there are bandages on Jesus. she told us that the birthday boy who was 7 had placed the bandages on Jesus when he was younger b/c he did not want Jesus to bleed or hurt at all and he won't remove them even now!!!!!

i was totally speechless/dumbfounded/humbled beyond words!!! this little boy cared so much for the pain of Jesus and was willing to go to such an extraordinary measure to care for Jesus' wounds... i wondered how much i was willing to do/ how much i had done to "bandage" Jesus up? well this little boy's innocence/purity/love has on the one hand put me to shame but on the other hand it has inspired me to do more for the LORD--to help others heal physically, emotionally and spirtually, to forgive and be forgiven--and thus do my little "bandaging"... how amazing it is to know how the Lord is using such young kids to work for HIS KINGDOM!!!! Praise the Lord!!!!!!!!

Luv n Prayers, Bincy :=) CHICAGO

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