Dear Jys
This for the prayer day on April 4th. If any changes are to be made please advice.
With Prayers
Your Sister in Christ
Meena Mathew

In the name of the Father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit Amen.

Passage for Meditation : Tobit 8 : 5- 8
We Praise you Abba Father, We praise you Jesus, We Praise you Holy

Lord God Almighty Creator of Heaven and Earth and of all things seen
and unseen, We bless your Holy name and we bow before your majesty.

Lord God you created man in your image and likeness. And you found it
fitting that man and woman should be one. Jesus you blessed the
marriage in Cana with your presence. Bless each and every sacred union
by your mercy.Bless each and every broken marriage with your Love and with your peace. Heal all wounds and give them the gift to forgive all
hurts. We place in your Sacred Hands the husbands and wife touch them
with your love and wash them with your precious Blood and make
them whole. Touch their parents and their brothers and sisters heal
them and Bless them. Let them experience your saving grace and
your Love. Wash them all with your precious blood and heal all
generational wounds and give them inner healing. We surrender their
children into your hands . If these children have been affected
by the rift in their parents marriage heal them . Bless them and make them whole Abba Father. Let them experience your love and your grace.

Help all couples to see Your plan in everything . Let them never be discouraged and disappointed. All things in this world are just
temporary but your kingdom and your love is eternal. You suffered for
our sins. You were mocked, rebuked and shunned all because of us . If it is your will that we have these small burdens help us
to carry it with grace and humility.

Lord we dedicate the whole world into your hands . The Gulf and especially Iraq . There are hundreds of orphans and widows bless them oh Lord, Protect them in your mercy . Touch them and heal them with your love. Give wisdom to the leaders and rulers of the world so that only Your will will be done in our lives. We surrender them all into your hands Bless them and touch them.

Bless our Pope, our Bishops and priests and all who do your will. Help them and guide them to do your will.

Make us all grow stronger in your love and help us to serve you better.
Lord God Almighty we Thank for this Universe and everything within it.
We thank youre your gift of Mercy, and for the Love that you have for
us. Lord God even though we have always been unfaithful and not
deserving of your Love you have always loved us like a Father loves His
children. You have called us and given us Eternal life by sacrificing
your Son for our sins.
Lord Jesus you came so that we might have life and life in its fullest.
You have promised us eternal life by your death and resurrection. Abba
Father hear our prayer we need you every moment of our lives and in
every aspect of our lives. Be with us at all times. Strengthen us with
your love and by the Power of your Holy Spirit. Intercede for us at all
times that we might never be separated from you or from your love.

Fill us with your Holy spirit. And help us to discern between good and
bad. Help us to discern the true Spirit the Spirit of humility and Love
and patience and goodness. Fill us all with the fruits and gifts of the
Holy Spirit.

St Joseph guardian of Jesus and Mother Mary intercede for us and for all families and especially for families that are broken with hatred and lies, that they may be united with the Love of Jesus.

Mother Mary be our spiritual guide, help us when we fall and lead us to
Jesus your son. Intercede for us at all times, so that we may never be separated from the love of Jesus.

We invoke the army of all heavenly Angels, Arch Angels and Saints to
powerfully intervene, intercede and to protect this world from the
evil one.

St. Michael the Arch Angel, defend this world and pray for us.

Sts. Paul and Peter defend this world and pray for us.

St. George, defend this world and pray for us.

All the Angels and Saints intercede for us sinners.

Jesus Son of David Have Mercy On Us (3 times)

Glory be to the Father(1)

Our Father (1)

Hail Mary (1)

Reading Galatians 4:1-7

War on Iraq. See latest update. News, views and more

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