Hi JYs,

Praise the Lord!  As my employment contract has been
terminated, I will be leaving Saudi Arabia for good by
the 15th of this month. During my stay in Saudi,  I
have received a lot of blessings, spiritually and
financially from our good Lord and our Lord used me as
an instrument for  lot of His missions.

3 years before when I was having a problem of getting
my visa renewed, I put up the matter in the Joynet and
requested your prayer supports.  It was the prayers of
JYs that got me my visa renewed. Thanks for all your
prayers and helps extended to me while I was the part
of Joynet. I may discontinue from joynet mailing list
in the coming days,   but please keep me in your

May God bless each and every one of Joynet family. 

Love + prayers,
Your elder brother,
Jose Joseph (Josachayan) / Jeddah/ Saudi Arabia

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