I'm all for this. Seems like we'd want a standard repository/location to
store these "packaged" plugins with the %imgDir% applied, etc. Maybe on
plugins.jquery.com or maybe on a new sub-domain like
packages.jquery.comthat just follows a particular directory structure
and naming scheme.
Brandon Aaron

On Fri, Oct 3, 2008 at 1:31 AM, Yehuda Katz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> For a while, I've been trying to make it possible to build a system to
> automatically install jQuery plugins into an application. In particular,
> I've wanted to be able to let Merb (a Ruby web framework I maintain --
> http://merbivore.com/) install jQuery plugins simply and easily.
> There are a few problems I needed to see solved:
>    - A way for package authors to describe the locations of the javascript
>    files, the CSS files, and any images
>    - A way for package authors to declare required dependencies
>    - A way to write CSS files that don't need to provide explicit image
>    paths
> I want to propose a packaging format that plugin authors can use. To get
> the ball rolling, I'm proposing a JSON file called metadata.json:
> {
>   "name": "tabs.jquery",
>   "author": "Yehuda Katz",
>   "dependencies": [
>     "core.ui.jquery",
>     "mouse.ui.jquery"
>   ],
>   "javascript": [
>     "lib/utility.tabs.jquery",
>     "lib/tabs.jquery",
>   ],
>   "cssDir": "css",
>   "imageDir": "images"
> }
> Additionally, I'd like to propose that CSS files containing image paths use
> the token %imageDir% to refer to the directory where the images will be
> placed. This will allow automated tools (or even users themselves) to
> quickly modify CSS files with the correct relative (or absolute) path.
> Does this stuff make sense? People seemed to be, in general, in favor of a
> more consistent package format, so I thought I'd get the ball rolling here.
> --
> Yehuda Katz
> Developer | Engine Yard
> (ph) 718.877.1325
> >

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