
I played around with your syncAnimate function a fair bit. Here are
the outstanding problems I encountered:
1) There's still a little bit of jumpiness
2) It gets "confused" by rapid changes. In my test (using hover rather
than click) it occasionally forgot to collapse divs.

Otherwise though, great job. I'll be watching the development of this
very closely.


On Feb 5, 10:57 pm, John Resig <jere...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Running to dinner, but just mocked up an 
> implementation:http://ejohn.org/files/sync/
> Click the red box for a demo.
> --John
> On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 4:29 PM, Jörn Zaefferer
> <joern.zaeffe...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> > I'd like to get some help solving a common animation problem:
> > Animating two elements at once, like sliding up one element, while
> > sliding down another at the same time.
> > I've created a testpage that shows the standard solution that jQuery
> > promotes, supposedly with improved support since 1.3:
> >http://jquery.bassistance.de/sync-animations/slideUpDown.html
> > Fixed in FF: Pretty good, but too much flicker of the bottom edge and
> > therefor content below
> > Fixed in IE6: Similar to FF, though even more flicker
> > Variable in FF: Ugly, there is a big jump at the end, when the real
> > height snaps in, due to the hidden height being calculated wrong
> > Variable in IE6: Surprisingly better than FF, still an ugly jump at the end
> > The jQuery UI accordion puts a lot of effort into providing a better
> > animation, with mixed results. I wouldn't be posting this if we had a
> > perfect animation. A simplified testcase:
> >http://jquery.bassistance.de/sync-animations/accordion.html
> > Fixed in FF: Bottom edge stable, content below flickers a little bit,
> > nearly perfect
> > Fixed in IE6: Ugly jumps at start and end
> > Variable in FF: Pretty much perfect, content below moves anyway
> > Variable in IE6: A small initial jump on the first animation, pretty
> > much perfect otherwise
> > While it would be nice to get the current accordion solution into
> > jQuery (once it actually works and hopefully somewhat simplified), the
> > current priority is to get the accordion working.
> > I've commited the test files in case someone wants to do a checkout or
> > fix 
> > something:http://jqueryjs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/plugins/sync-animations/
> > Feel free to contact me via Jabber (this address) to discuss any
> > details outside the list. Your help is welcome!
> > Regards
> > Jörn

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