
I posted a message here last week about an issue I am having with this
jquery set of plugins:


The effects (on a div) work perfectly in IE 6/IE 7  and in Firefox
EXCEPT when the div is very long.  IN this case it fails with the

reference to undefined property jQuery.cache[id][name]   (line of

Now from John Resig   I understand this error is a known issue with
Firefox Strict and will be addressed  (about:config  ,
javascript.options.strict) .  But, when I turn of this option liquid
canvas still fails, and I have come to understand that the issue is
not so much with jQuery, but that jQuery throws the above error when
it doesn't receive what it is expecting (I believe an empty reference
in this case).

So here is where I am.  I have strict turned off, and I am trying to
debug this problem which occurs just in Firefox still.  I have done a
lot of JavaScript over the years, and I am fairly new to jQuery
although I am learning quickly I am having a hell of a time debugging

Are there any tips suggestions etc for debugging jquery when no error
is returned?  Not in Firebug - just silent failing...  Right now I am
doing 'alerts' all over the place trying to find a place of failure
but arghhh.  WHy Firefox now if strict is turned off?  Are there any
jquery quirks with Firefox and Div/element height?

Thanks for any input.

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