In thinking more about the deeper problem, it seems to me an array of
the values is the right answer.  Each value in the array would
correspond to the value returned if querying the simple property.  I
am unable to think of a CSS compound property that doesn't denote its
parts delimited by whitespace.  This means that it would be possible
to return meaningful data.

So if the browser returns "5px 5px 5px 5px" then jQuery returns an
array of values simply in the order the browser gives it, but if it
returns "5px" then it acts as it currently does.  Then the user of
this method can determine if it is compound or not based upon if it is
handed a collection or scalar value.  Then the method using the value
can grab the appropriate piece of information and not need to re-
implement the parsing/retrieval logic.

On May 7, 9:51 am, Stephen McKamey <> wrote:
> Yes, I agree that the use-case is in question.  We ran into this when
> a using the autogrow plugin:
> This plugin should be modified to check the appropriate sides and
> handle correctly.
> On the other hand, I don't think that crashing is an appropriate
> response from jQuery.  I would be happy if it simply returned the
> string value as this is at least recoverable and makes more sense than
> "Error: invalid argument".
> On May 6, 8:08 pm, Brandon Aaron <> wrote:
> > I believe that is exactly what we are trying to do. There is an ongoing
> > discussion about how to handle retrieval of CSS shorthand properties in the
> > ticket 4295 ( I think most of the
> > confusion, at least for me, has been around the use-case for getting the
> > short-hand. The reason for my first question... trying to understand the
> > actual need. From this thread (and the ticket) it sounds like maybe the
> > developer just needs to copy the padding from one element to another.
> > Reasonable use-case but what about when the developer wants to copy the
> > "background" property. Isn't it more confusing to support just a subset
> > versus all the shorthands? Maybe a better solution is to find a better way
> > to copy CSS from one element to another... if that really is the primary
> > use-case for supporting CSS shorthand properties.
> > --
> > Brandon Aaron
> > On Wed, May 6, 2009 at 9:36 PM, Matt Kruse <> wrote:
> > > On May 6, 8:28 pm, Brandon Aaron <> wrote:
> > > > Out of curiosity... what are you expecting back from the call to padding
> > > > when it is different for top/bottom vs left/right?
> > > I think an equally valid question is... what does jQuery intend to do
> > > in such situations? Clearly, crashing is not the best option.
> > > Anything that causes the code to completely crash should be avoided by
> > > either checking for valid input (if some inputs are considered
> > > invalid) or by deciding how to handle cases that don't have obvious
> > > answers (like this case). It's not enough, IMO, to ignore the tough
> > > questions of how jQuery should behave and point to an alternative. :)
> > > In the example case:
> > > #foo { padding: 5px 10px; }
> > > you may want to consider returning [5,10,5,10] for example.
> > > Matt Kruse
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