I've just had a look at r6344 and there seems to be an extra argument
in jQuery.event.add but that function hasn't been modified (yet?).
And maybe it's been mentioned before but if you're really adding this
feature why not do the same with $.each? Hopefully no one uses the
internal `args` argument and it would be at least as useful as for

On May 5, 3:44 pm, Brandon Aaron <brandon.aa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> How about "thisObject"? Taken from Mozilla's docs for the forEach method 
> (https://developer.mozilla.org/En/Core_JavaScript_1.5_Reference:Object...).
> --
> Brandon Aaron
> On Mon, May 4, 2009 at 11:38 PM, Michael Geary <m...@mg.to> wrote:
> > I don't find this feature all that useful myself, since my callback
> > functions tend to be a mix of jQuery/DOM, setTimeout, Google Maps/Earth,
> > and
> > other asynchronous APIs. If I can only bind an object to a callback in one
> > of those types of APIs and not the others - or if they each sprout
> > independent ways of doing it - I may as well just use a closure so I have
> > one way to handle them all.
> > But I've seen that a lot of people do like this capability, so I certainly
> > don't object to it, unless of course it slows down my own code.
> > My one request: please do not call it "scope"! Not in the code, not in the
> > comments, and not in the docs.
> > JavaScript has something called scope, and you create it by nesting
> > functions lexically (or using the "with" statement). Setting the "this"
> > value for an event or other callback isn't related in the slightest to
> > scope.
> > If you need a name for the concept, you could describe it as "binding an
> > object to the event handler" or - probably better - "calling the event
> > handler as a method of an object". I don't know of a short and sweet word
> > for it, but "scope" is already taken. :-)
> > Thanks,
> > -Mike
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