On May 14, 7:13 pm, hj2aj <jianyi.huan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi there,
> I am having a problem with the cross domain issue that AJAX has.
> According to jQuery.ajax documentation, it should handle cross domain
> request with "script" and "jsonp" as data type.  However, I cannot
> manage to get the following works:

> There is no error according to FireBug, all alerts were executed
> except the ones in 'success' and 'error' functions. The above example
> is very similar to something in Ubiquity developed by Mozilla, it
> works even with dataType: "text", but  in the 'success' function, it
> passed down a parameter and eval it. (I wonder whether in Mozilla it
> has a proxy to handle such request)
> jQuery.getScript() can handle cross domain request for sure, and it is
> based on jQuery.ajax with hardcoded dataType: "script", however, I
> still want to have the request made on jQuery.ajax because it provides
> more controls.
> Can anyone please let me know why my example does not work, thanks!!

jQuery adds a query string to the URL to avoid caching by default,
like http://j.maxmind.com/app/geoip.js?_=1242383380394. As you can see
that results in a blank page. Add cache: true to the ajax options and
it should be fine.

-- ricardo
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