~Daniel Friesen (Dantman, Nadir-Seen-Fire) []

John Resig wrote:
> This is very helpful analysis. I've added it to my todo list. Could
> you file a ticket with your test cases, as well? Thanks!
> --John
> On Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 4:33 PM, Daniel
> Friesen<> wrote:
>> Ok, narrowed it down.
>> Someone tells me that Konqueror isn't working for that page either so it
>> looks like IE8 and Konqueror may share this behavior.
>>  From the looks of it $button.append( "[" ); is working.
>> $('#bodyContent').append( "[" ); // works
>> $('#bodyContent').append( "[", "]" ); // "Invalid argument" in IE8 console, 
>> works in FF Firebug console
>> $('#bodyContent').append( "asdf", "asdf" ); // "Invalid argument" in IE8 
>> console, works in FF Firebug console
>> $('#bodyContent').append( document.createTextNode("["), "]" ); // works
>> $('#bodyContent').append( "<span>foo</span>", "]" ); // in IE8 console only 
>> inserts the ']' the foo span is not inserted, works in FF Firebug console
>> $('#bodyContent').append( "<span>asdf</span>", "<span>qwerty</span>" ); // 
>> in IE8 console only inserts the qwerty span the asdf span is not inserted, 
>> works in FF Firebug console
>> So this looks like an IE8 (maybe Konqueror) issue where when .domManip
>> is used (by something like .append) with more than one argument with the
>> first being a string a "Invalid argument" error is thrown if the first
>> argument is not a valid node string. If the first argument is a valid
>> node string, instead the first argument is ignored and the rest are
>> inserted.
>> ~Daniel Friesen (Dantman, Nadir-Seen-Fire) []
>> John Resig wrote:
>>> You say that you still have problems if you split apart the query.
>>> So in this case $button.append( "[" ) fails - correct?
>>> What happens if you do:
>>> $button.append( document.createTextNode("[") )
>>> --John
>>> On Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 2:09 PM, Daniel
>>> Friesen<> wrote:
>>>> I've been having trouble with a bit of jQuery that works in FF, Opera,
>>>> and Midori, but breaks in IE.
>>>> See
>>>> The code:
>>>> (it's on a wiki, so you can see the history of editing)
>>>> Using IE8's debugger tools (yay, finally MS rips of Firebug to give us a
>>>> way to find out why IE is breaking /sarcasm) I've narrowed it down to
>>>> $button.append( '[', $buttonLink, ']' ); Where jQuery's .append calls
>>>> .clean which near the end calls fragment.appendChild( ret[i] ); fragment
>>>> is the document, and i is 0, ret is 3 items in length containing the
>>>> text node, span, and other text node. jQuery tries to appendChild to the
>>>> document and IE decides it doesn't like it.
>>>> Does this seem like a jQuery bug?
>>>> Note: ya, I have tried splitting the append call into three separate
>>>> ones, still causes the same issue on the first one.
>>>> --
>>>> ~Daniel Friesen (Dantman, Nadir-Seen-Fire) []
> >

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