On Jul 16, 10:41 pm, tres <treshug...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Maybe the IT industry should just grow some balls and stop supporting
> IE6, or IE in general. The the industry has everything to gain and
> nothing to lose by severing all ties to IE. People will be forced to
> indulge in a newer, better, faster and more secure browser.

IE6/7 won't run on Windows 2000, and many businesses are still stuck

IE allows administrators to setup options and security from a
centralized location, which is vital to many organizations. IE has
ActiveX - a nightmare on the general web but very useful internally
for many businesses.

In the end, continuing to use IE6 costs very little, while moving to a
new browser may cost a considerable amount of money (upgrading OS's,
re-building webapps and processes to not use ActiveX, finding some way
to centrally control browser installations, etc).

Only when keeping IE6 becomes more painful than upgrading will these
last hold-outs change. I suspect that time is coming soon...

Matt Kruse

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