live.remove is going to have to get passed the stored guids instead of
just counting the remaining 'submits'.

On Sep 14, 5:41 pm, Justin Meyer <> wrote:
> Another issue is that every live event is stored in $.data
> ('events').live in a flat hash.  That means you have to iterate
> through every live event handler instead of just doing something like
> $.data('events').live['click'] -> [list of all delegate selectors]
> which would be much faster, especially if you have 100s of delegated
> events.
> I'm not sure what to do about this.  I'd like to make the special case
> of live avoid:
> handlers[ handler.guid ] = handler;
> and instead do
> handlers['click'][ handler.guid ] = handler;
> Thoughts?  I know you guys are busy, but I'd like to know that my work
> might have a chance at being used or is going in the right direction.
> Thanks,
> Justin
> On Sep 14, 1:15 pm, Justin Meyer <> wrote:
> > The following avoids browser sniffing for IE's submit.
> > It simply creates a div inside a form, then dispatches a submit event
> > and sees if it bubbles.
> > I'll see if something similar works for change in Safari and IE.
> > jQuery(function(){
> >         var sendEvent = function(type, element){
> >                 var event;
> >                 if (element.ownerDocument.createEvent) {
> >                         event = element.ownerDocument.createEvent("Events");
> >                         event.initEvent(type, true, true);
> >                 }
> >                 else {
> >                         event = element.ownerDocument.createEventObject();
> >                         event.type = type;
> >                 }
> >                 if(element.dispatchEvent){
> >                         return element.dispatchEvent(event)
> >                 }else{
> >                         try {window.event = event;}catch(e) {}
> >                 return element.fireEvent('on'+type, event);
> >                 }
> >         }
> >         var div = document.createElement("div");
> > = 'none'
> >         div.innerHTML = "<form action='run'><input type='submit'/></form>"
> >         var form = div.firstChild;
> >         document.body.appendChild( div );
> > =false
> >         $(div).submit(function(ev){ =
> > true;ev.stopPropagation()})
> >     $(form).submit(function(ev){ ev.preventDefault();})
> >         sendEvent("submit",form)
> >         document.body.removeChild( div );
> >         div = null;
> >         form = null;
> >         alert(
> > });
> > On Sep 14, 12:16 am, Justin Meyer <> wrote:
> > > WARNING: Skip to the end to avoid an in depth discussion of the
> > > problems, and the only questions I need guidance.
> > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > > I'm going to replace JMVC's delegation 
> > > lib:
> > > with live.
> > > I've mentioned this once before, but I'm energized after hearing
> > > almost everything I wanted previously is a priority.
> > > I was under the impression that the current (trunk?) code supported
> > > submit, but after testing, it seems like it doesn't work in IE.  The
> > > code seems to speak to that too.  Am I looking in the right place?
> > > A few thoughts on live and using delegation.  Performance of closest
> > > is critical if you want to support events like mouseover choosing
> > > between > 10 different selectors.  In almost all cases, getting the
> > > parentNode list is the most expensive part.  This is from a lot of
> > > experience with JMVC, and it only has to calculate this list once.  To
> > > support rapid event delegation, I suggest adding a 2nd parameter to
> > > closest which would be a cached array of the parent list.
> > > I've been sorta shot down by Brandon, but I don't like having to run a
> > > query when I attach live functions.  If I have 10s of thousands of
> > > '.todo' elements on my page (which is the reason I am using live in
> > > the first place), I don't want to have to do a $('.todo').  Using
> > > 'live' is familiar to those who used liveQuery, but delegate would be
> > > a better name.
> > > $().delegate('.todo','click',function(){ ... })
> > > But, I realize that this is almost certainly never going to happen.
> > > Maybe there can be a $.live where I can provide the context?
> > > The next suggestion would be adding a stopPropagation to event.
> > > LiveHandler would check if it has been called and will simply stop
> > > delegated events on the element without returning false from
> > > liveHandler.  There are many cases where this is needed in our code.
> > > But getting to the most important question - how to get submit and
> > > change working?
> > > For submit and change, you have to listen to multiple events (and
> > > later be able to stop listening).  It doesn't seem there is a good way
> > > to do this in event.add.  What would be the best way of doing this?
> > > JMVC uses before and after filters for certain event / browser pairs
> > > to make sure things are ok.  For example, in IE you listen for clicks
> > > + keypress instead of submit.  The beforeFilter makes sure the target
> > > is an submit input.
> > > For change in IE on a select, I listen for clicks, make sure the
> > > selector matches the element, then the after filter checks if there is
> > > a value (in $.data("_change_data")).  If not, there hasn't been a
> > > change, so it saves the current value.  If there is a value, and it is
> > > different, the filter 'approves' the change.
> > > There are a few issues with this.  The most important is that I am
> > > browser sniffing like crazy.  I'm not sure if this can be done w/o
> > > browser sniffing.  The only thing I think could even work is creating
> > > a form, dispatching a synthetic 'submit' event via fireEvent/
> > > dispatchEvent.  Obviously, that would suck and I am not sure it will
> > > even work.  I'm open to suggestions before I try.
> > > The second issue is that I am putting data in _change_data.  Is there
> > > a better place for this?
> > > Another thing, you need to have capture option passed to event.add so
> > > focus and blur will work.
> > > event.add = function(elem, types, handler, data, capture){ ...}
> > > Would this be ok?
> > > ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > >  ------
> > > So, I can happily build all of this if I can get guidance on the 2
> > > most important problems:
> > > Best way to listen and remove multiple events for a single delegated
> > > event? (EX: delegate on submit, listen for keypress and click)
> > > How to avoid browser sniffing. (EX: know that submit doesn't bubble in
> > > IE).
> > > Thanks!
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