Well, I already had proposed this a month ago in the discussion
(message #6).
There you will see that my solution (http://gist.github.com/227508)
was almost same as your, and that John at #12  was of idea that that
was easily to reproduce with no additional functionality...

Maybe it is time to reconsider if such level of control is wonted
enough to improve bind() or extending the API..

On Dec 12, 2:19 pm, alexander farkas <a.farkas...@googlemail.com>
> One week ago I wrote an article about the new possibility to use the
> context-Parameter in conjunction with the live method (it´s in 
> german:http://www.protofunc.com/2009/12/08/jquery-live-methode-braucht-jquer...).
> I think we need an additional method, wich gives the developer more
> control over the element, to wich the eventlistener will be bound.
> The current live-method, allows you to use the context-parameter, but
> this option doesn´t really give you the possibility to decide, to wich
> element(s) the listener is bound.
> To make this more clear. Here are some examples:
> 1. The following code works and the eventlistener is bound to the
> document
> $('li', $('#nav')).live('click'....
> 2. The following code works, as long as #nav is available, and the
> eventlistener is bound to the #nav-element (very error-prone)
> $('li', $('#nav')[0]).live('click'....
> If you have several elements, to wich the element should be bound,
> jQuery doesn´t give you a straight forward method to do this:
> 1. The eventlistener is bound to the document
> $('div.teaser', $('div.teaser-wrapper')).live('click'
> 2. The following code would be invalid
> $( 'div.teaser', $('div.teaser-wrapper').get() ).live('click'
> I came up with a very simple and short plugin, wich looks like this:
> (function($){
>      var dummy = $([]);
>      $.each({addLive: 'live', removeLive: 'die'}, function(name,
> jMethod){
>          $.fn[name] = function(sel){
>              var args = (this[0]) ? Array.prototype.slice.call
> (arguments, 1) : [];
>              return this.each(function(){
>                  dummy.selector = sel;
>                  dummy.context = this;
>                  $.fn[jMethod].apply(dummy, args);
>              });
>          };
>      });
> })(jQuery);
> With this plugin you can write code like this:
> $('div.teaser-wrapper').addLive('div.teaser', 'click', function()
> {...});
> This gives you a clear and short way to setup event delegation on
> specific elements.
> Additionally the method could improve event delegation in two ways:
> a) use of comma seperated selectors (buggy in jQuerys live-method):
> $('div.teaser-wrapper').addLive('div.teaser, div.teaser-box', 'click',
> function(){...});
> b) add a (very) minimal performance-gain (only elements, wich are
> needed to setup the listener are selected)
> I know, that you have declined similiar suggestions in the past, but
> event delegation gives you a lot of options, wich can´t be controlled
> with the current live-method.


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