On Fri, Jan 15, 2010 at 5:59 PM, ScottChiefBaker <scott.ba...@gmail.com> wrote:
> http://jsbin.com/ovemo
> toggle('slow') and slideToggle('slow') both do the same thing. Is this
> somehow related to "display: block" on the sliding image? Is there
> another way to slide in and out the last cell of the table? Or is this
> an actual bug?

I think what you'll find is just that animating table rows is very difficult:


You may find animating the opacity on the row an acceptable substitute.

If you're determined to slide up and down, you probably need to work
with the visible state yourself, add a wrapper element to the content
of each TD in the row, and slide that up or down, hiding or showing
the row itself at the appropriate time.  Here is a version that works
in FF, Chrome, Safari, and Opera:


But it doesn't work in IE, which really does not like these sorts of
manipulations of table rows.  I don't know if there's an easy fix to

But I personally don't like the extra wrappers needed to make it work.
 If fading opacity is acceptable to you, that should be easy to

Good luck,

  -- Scott
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