Damn.  You're absolutely right.  I was trying to reproduce an old
application that used iframes using the UI library provided by ext
instead (without introducing any iframes).  I was thinking about so
many other possible issues that I missed the obvious one.

Thanks for setting me straight.

On 4/1/07, Brad Perkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I believe the problem is that cross-domain requests aren't allowed.
Were you able to do this prior to incorporating ext?

What you probably need to do is make a request to your server, have it
get http://www.myuri.com/index.htm by some means then return the
content back to the browser.


On 4/1/07, Rob Wilkerson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm working with the latest Ext alpha and jQuery to create a paned UI
> and I want to load an external URI into one of those panels.  I've got
> the layout nicely set up and I'm trying to get that URI to load via
> AJaX.  There's not a lot of documentation I can find about that, so
> I'm winging it.  I'm not having much success.  The layout is loading
> on Ext.EventManager.onDocumentReady().  To load the panel, I'm trying:
> $(document).ready (
>    function() {
>       $('#panel-bottom').load ( 'http://www.myuri.com/index.htm' );
>    }
> );
> I've also tried a second Ext.EventManager.onDocumentReady() action.
> Also no luck.
> I'm sure I'm missing something, but I'm not sure where to look for
> documentation around blending jQuery with Ext.  Can anyone tell me
> where I'm going wrong and/or point me towards any documentation?
> I appreciate it.
> Rob

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