On the off-chance I'm starting to get my head around jQuery try adding this to your code where you have .prev():

.prev("img", this)

I'm pretty sure that should work...


ronaldo wrote:
Hi all,

I hope you can help. I have a page where i am trying to make two seperate
ajax calls. and as such in the document.ready code i have 2 seperate
ajaxStart function depending on which div's need updating:

    $("#diva").prev("img").attr({ src: "images/busy.gif" });

    $("#divb").prev("img").attr({ src: "images/3MA_processingbar.gif" });

However, when the ajax call starts, both div's fire up their respective
ajaxStart animated gif's. I tried the option global: false; however that
just makes the gif's disappear.
What do I need to do to call only 1 specific ajaxStart function ?

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