Responses inline.

On 4/4/07, stylo~ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
An option to add a timestamp to NOT cache ajax GETs is what I meant.
It would be very helpful as an option.

*shrug* Easy enough to add. Stick an extra key/value into your params.

Using the example at as a base:

 { limit: 25, nocache: (new Date()).getTime() },
 function() { alert("The last 25 entries in the feed have been loaded"); }

Or if you're using $.ajax() you could add it automatically by setting
up a beforeSend callback.

>>I build most my stuff for newer browsers and with "progressive
enhancement" in mind. Unless you need to support IE < 6.0 or some of
the older Netscapes, it shouldn't be too much of an issue.

Well, what exact check are you doing before applying jquery?

Almost no checks actually. If I come across something that is
particularly "quirky" under Safari or IE 5.5 I usually do something

if( $.browser.safari || ($.browser.msie && /MSIE
(5\.[5-9])|6/.test(navigator.userAgent)) ) {
 // ...

It will apply it to any browser. Even for example if you're letting in the new
Safari/Konq/Opera maybe it dies on some obscure jquery call and is
left hanging.

Right, which is why I test on all the browsers in the projects specs.
Thankfully most of our projects are IE >= 6, Firefox >= 1.5, Safari >=
2, and I usually test in the latest version of Opera.

Need to know the exact bugs to prevent that. Maybe I
misunderstand but I thought some new browsers were failing parts of
the test suite.

I don't keep up with that much. As far I as I know there are a few
minor quirks with some browsers.

I'm especially worried about ie 5.5 - yes, I know not
supported so a bit off base here - and I could block it from jquery
entirely myself but maybe I don't need to for what I'm doing.

:) Test it and see.

If I knew where it and especially new browsers fail I could plan. Looks
like the know issues page is not really used. Any tips?

:) If you find a bug, file a bug report/issue. jQuery is pretty darn
stable but it's still "growing" in quality, you can help that quality,
just like the rest of the community. Remember this is open source, if
you use it and find something wrong, try to make it right. :)

Btw, can anyone suggest a good check for ie6+ and other new browsers?

Take a look at:

That might be noted in the docs as a "best practice" or maybe even
built into jquery as a variable to set so it just returns the old
"sorry, you're a loser" sort of thing for old browsers?

:) Probably best to leave what to do to the programmer. There are just
too many possibilities and conditions to work through to automatically
decide "it won't run".

Karl Rudd

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