Good Articles.  I found it interesting to think about that hacks "should" be

I think your point about browser specific sheets is well taken.  Firebug
makes this a good thing when you see what styles are applied and can see
which file they are in.  I wish IE had similar.

Another article I found interesting was how OpenLazlo deals with this:

Wouldn't it be cool if you could invlude a jQuery plugin that made all the
browsers act the same for css?  I know it would be dependant on JS, but it
would make development of alot of projects much faster.  Lots of projects I
see don't let you in without JS.


On 4/5/07, Klaus Hartl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Last not least I recommend to all using hacks to read

1. Molly about "Long term hack strategies":

2. Tantek - inventor of the CSS hack! - about hacks:

-- Klaus

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