On Sat, Apr 07, 2007, Diego A. wrote:

> It works, but I think that is a terrible idea.
> You'll have to edit the jQuery source every-time there is new release.
> I take a different approach:
> 1. Load jQuery source.
> 2. Make changes to suit my application.
> [...]

You don't really have to repeat local changes every time a new upstream
version comes out. Just use a an arbitrary version control system like
CVS, Subversion or Monotone and _merge_ your and the upstream version
regularily. I'm doing this with both jQuery and dozend of other upstream
sources I've local modifications for.

As jQuery lives in a public accessible SVN itself, it is even simpler
in this particular case. Just checkout jQuery from its SVN, apply your
local modifications (without committing!) to your working area and then
regularily "svn update" your working area by merging in the upstream
sources. If your changes are really surgical ones you usually will not
even get any conflict on updating your working area. This allows you
to maintain your local modifications easily.

But if your local modifications are worth taken over by the upstream
vendor, please do not forget to at least once submit it to them...

                                       Ralf S. Engelschall
                                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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