Jörn Zaefferer schrieb:

Mike Alsup schrieb:

> Huh? The reset event is not bound by jQuery. Are you thinking of submit?

No, starting with jQuery 1.1 element events are also triggered. The
following for example will focus the first input in the page:

Yes, but those events have to be bound. The reset event is not bound by jQuery.
jQuery does a bit more:

trigger: function(type, data, element) {
    // Clone the incoming data, if any
    data = jQuery.makeArray(data || []);

    // Handle a global trigger
    if ( !element )
        jQuery.each( this.global[type] || [], function(){
            jQuery.event.trigger( type, data, this );

    // Handle triggering a single element
    else {
        var handler = element["on" + type ], val,
            fn = jQuery.isFunction( element[ type ] );

        if ( handler ) {
            // Pass along a fake event
            data.unshift( this.fix({ type: type, target: element }) );

            // Trigger the event
            if ( (val = handler.apply( element, data )) !== false )
                this.triggered = true;

        if ( fn && val !== false )
            element[ type ]();

        this.triggered = false;

The element[ type ](); part is particular intersting.

So the element inherent method is triggered, no matter if there is an additional event bound or not?

-- Klaus

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