I am building an image viewer/annotation tool using jQuery and
Interface (sliders and draggables).

The basic functions I've gotten working so far are:

* A large image loads into a div container, with only a small masked
area visible
* The large image can be dragged around, much like Google Maps
* The large image can be scaled up and down with a slider control
* An annotation marker (image) can be dropped on top of the image
* The marker can also be dragged independently, AND follows the larger
image as it's dragged

This viewer is almost completed, with the exception of one function:
When the large image is scaled up and down, I cannot find the right
"formula" to keep the marker on top of it in the same position. No
matter what I try, it either scales too fast or too slow.

At first my logic was: If the large image scales down 10%, why can't I
just reduce my x and y coordinates (or rather the  'top' and 'left'
css attributes) on the marker 10%? Doesn't seem to work. Maybe that
theory is correct and my math is just wrong. (BTW, the marker image is
a 20x20 square).

Rather than running this into the ground over several hours on my own,
I thought I'd see if anyone here had any insights.

Thanks in advance!

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