amircx schrieb:
hey. is there a way to manipulate only error div of specipic field? like if i
<label> uaboutme2222222 </label>
<input name='uaboutme' type='text' id='MyForm1uaboutmeInputfield'
value='dsadsad' maxlength='45'  />

 the error div that its generates its :
<label for="'MyForm1uaboutmeInputfield" generated="true"
class="error">Please enter a value of at least 2 characters.</label>
so i want to do somthing like
label #'MyForm1uaboutmeInputfield { postion  : left 1px... color:red }

got me?> change only the spepic field div propetiy..
is that possible?
As IE6 doesn't support CSS attribut selectors, you've got to mix JS with CSS:
jQuery("[EMAIL PROTECTED]").addClass("special");
Now in CSS:
label.special { postion : left 1px... color:red }

Jörn Zaefferer

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