Correct. Only Internet Explorer supports "outerHTML". Even "innerHTML"
started off as a Microsoft only thing, but because it was used so
widely other browsers have adopted it as a defacto standard.

What are you trying to do that you need to use outerHTML?

Hi everyone in this thead, I was about to ask the same question when I
saw this thread. The problem is that no response has been given, so
let me ask again :

Is there a way to get the equivalent of outerHTML's result of a node
using jQuery ? (Y/n)

Got this:

   <nodeB id="test">

I would like this


to return this :

   <nodeB id="test">

Same behaviour than $.html() but including the node's tag html too.

It's probably so basic that I must be blind and can't see the
evidence. Please, open my eyes.


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