Thanks for the update John and thanks for the patch Joern! I am now using the latest version and everything is working as expected.


John Resig wrote:

Joern committed a patch for this the other day:

I hope this helps!


On 4/10/07, Marshall Salinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Diego A. wrote:
> I've been fighting with this bug too and I believe I've found the fix.
> I can't be 100% sure, but I believe the problem was in the jquery.metaData
> plugin.
> The fix has worked for me and 2 other people so far...
> Here is the fix I posted on my blog, hope it helps. And if it does work for
> you, then this is definitely what's been driving so many people crazy!
> = Fix for jQuery bug in IE - Working with XML documents =
> It's been driving me crazy and I'm not alone (1, 2). But I've finally
> managed to fix the weird jQuery bug in IE when working with XML documents
> (or so I hope).
> The bug isn't in jQuery itself, it's in the very popular Metadata plug-in, > used to load meta data and settings from elements using the class property.
> The Error: Lines 101 - 105 in the Metadata plugin.
>  if ( $.meta.single )
> this[ $.meta.single ] = data; // Throws error on XML documents in IE
>  else
>     $.extend( this, data ); // Throws error on XML documents in IE
>  this.metaDone = true; // Throws error on XML documents in IE
> The fix: Find lines 75-77 in the Metadata plugin:
>  $.fn.setArray = function(){
>     return setArray.apply( this, arguments ).each(function(){
>        if ( this.metaDone ) return;
> And make the following change: (add line)
>  $.fn.setArray = function(){
>     return setArray.apply( this, arguments ).each(function(){
> try{ this['meta']=null; }catch(e){ return; } // Detect and trap error
>        if ( this.metaDone ) return;
> And that's it! This fix will allow Metadata to do what it does on HTML
> elements and not throw that obscure "Object doesn't support this property or
> method" error in Internet Explorer.

I just wanted to say thank you for posting this. I ran into the same
problem when trying to get IE 7 to parse xml. I was also including the
metadata plugin on the page and was unable to get the text from any xml
nodes. I added the error catching code and it fixed the problem.


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