Heh yeah all good. Setup a wordpress blog for myself now too, will be
posting up more plugins as time passes.

Cheers for your friendly answers.



On 4/12/07, Joel Birch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 12/04/2007, at 9:55 PM, Stefan Sedich wrote:
> Ok its posted under plugins in the userinterface section (see
> howlong until its remove :( heh). Let me know how it goes. Made a
> few changes added reset function. Next will remove the need for the
> cookies plugin and thats it i think.

It won't be removed, its a useful plugin. Hey, even mine are still

Personally, I like that it uses the cookie plugin. I think it makes
sense to do so.

I overlooked the fact that you could just do SetFontSize(0); to go
back to the default size. Not sure that a reset function is needed -
sorry for the red herring.


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