You're welcome.  Note that something simpler that looks like it should work:


actually won't work because .wrap() needs to get the parent element, and a .clone()'d element doesn't have one. I've been tripped up for hours before on that combination!


  -- Scott

xavier wrote:
Thanks Scott and Karl !

Now I got it, I was missing the $(this) trick to get a jquery object
from a dom one. I've added it to the wiki (on each and on get


On Apr 12, 4:28 pm, Scott Sauyet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
xavier wrote:
I have a two level list :
[ ... ]
I want to take all the first level a and copy them as the first
element in the list:
There might be something simpler, but I think this would work:

$("ul ul").siblings("a").each(function(i) {



Good luck,

   -- Scott

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