Klaus Hartl wrote:
> Jan Sorgalla schrieb:
> > ok, i see now. One of the main differences between the old and the new
> > version of jCarousel is, that you no longer have to pass itemsVisible
> > as option. The number of visible items are calculated on the fly
> > depending on the sizes of the clip and the items. I've done that
> > mainly to allow items of different sizes and a flexible carousel
> > width. But i never thought about your special case ;)
> >
> > In the new new version, you can do it with the callback functions
> > (i've adjusted the example posted before) but its also a little bit
> > hackish.
> >
> > So, in short, i don't have a built-in solution right now but i keep
> > that in mind...
> >
> > Jan
> Thank you Jan! Excellent plugin by the way, soon to be seen on plazes :-)
> -- Klaus

Thanks :)
If your using the new version, just let me know if you find bugs or
have suggestions. I'm always open for improvements...


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