On Apr 17, 8:22 pm, dec <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi list,
> I'm trying to add items to an unordered list using jQuery. This is
> something triggered by another event, so it cannot be done within my
> HTML templating engine whilst building the page.
> I also wish to add an 'a' element within the list item which I can
> then use to remove the item and post an AJAX request at a later point.
> I had come up with the following with some assistance on #jquery:
>                  $(
>                      "<li style=\"display: none\">"+
>                      "["+task.client.code+"] "+task.project.name+
>                      "<br/>"+task.name+"<br/>"+
>                      "<a class='removeTask' href='#'>Remove</a>"+
>                      "</li>"
>                   ).find("a.removeTask").bind('click', {taskid:
> task.id}, remove_task
>                   ).end().appendTo("#actSessionList");
> My understanding is that this should: build the HTML, find any
> elements matching 'a.removeTask' within that HTML and bind them to
> remove_task() passing taskid within event.data and then add the
> initial HTML to my unordered list (#actSessionList).
> This seems to work fine when I call it the first time, but for any
> subsequent calls (with new data in the 'task' variable),
> the .bind(...) call overwrites the binding of the previous items and
> causes all their 'Remove' links to call remove_task with the wrong
> value of task.id.
> Is this incorrect behavior for the code I've written or am I not
> grasping the concept completely? My initial thought is that I'm not
> being explicit enough when selecting the 'a' element to _only_ receive
> the single element within that list item, but I'm too new to
> JavaScript to know how to debug this.
> Any help or comments are much appreciated.
> Regards,
> Tom

Ah hah, just discovered that this is a bug! (http://dev.jquery.com/

So I'm not crazy after all... well maybe just a little... :)


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