How about using something like this:

It's not jQ based, but it may offer a good way to store/retrieve the amount of 
data you're looking at.

 ~ ~ Dave

On Wed, 18 Apr 2007 15:52:48 -0000, Trekmp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks to both of you for your advice.  I'm not just wanting to store
> if an element is open/closed, I need to be able to do something like
> google where I can move objects around and remember where they are and
> what their status is (open/closed).  I'm no javascript programmer so
> is it possible you can elborate some more with regards to the cookies,
> using jquery, setting and reading.  When would be the best time to set
> the cookie for the objects.
> Many thanks again for your help
> On Apr 17, 7:08 pm, "Benjamin Sterling"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Piggie backing off of what Rafael said, you can take the params for each
>> thing and put that in a cookie and when you do you $(document).ready,
> have a
>> function that looks at the cookie and gets the params.
>> Say you have a menu that the user wants hidden:
>> menuParams:hidden;
>> and when you come in to the page, it looks for the menuParams and sees
> if it
>> is set and what the value is.
>> --
>> Benjamin Sterlinghttp://www.KenzoMedia.com

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