Hi folks,

I'm wanting to do the following thing:

1. User browses for an image
2. User crops image with a pre-set sized outline
3. Image is uploaded onto the server

I know how to do #1 and #3. I also know how to do the
error checking stuff like making sure the file/image
is the right size, etc. (Though, I guess Mike's form
plugin let's you upload files now too?)

I had been eyeing the resizeable interface plugin for
the crop SELECTION part (I'd give the outline a
max/min width and height of the same number, which
gives the outline an illusion of being not


However, I don't think this deals with the actual
cropping part. Does anyone know if there's a plugin
that deals with the actual crop, or can point me in
the right direction of how I'd do that, myself?

thanks :)

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