On 21/04/2007, at 2:08 AM, Chris Scott wrote:
Thanks Joel. Here's a demo page: http://iamzed.com/jquery/ superfishtabs.html

I put the info. on what I customized from the default superfish.css on there.

Hi Chris, thanks for the demo page it helped enormously. I found that applying the z-index:3 rule to an element further up the tree, such as .nav li, instead of .nav li ul, fixes the problem.

I should probably have made a definitive CSS file for Superfish which takes as many possible issues like this into account and also makes the menu prettier by default. Truth be told, I just slapped that one together and expected folks to work out the CSS for the menu as they would have to without the Superfish plugin. Maybe Superfish would benefit from a more polished CSS file such as Klaus's brilliant Tabs plugin has.

Thanks for bringing this to my attention Chris - I love the opportunity to further refine things. I will apply the fix to my demo page's Superfish CSS also.

Joel Birch.

P.S. the reason the tabs were jumping down on your demo page was because the #header element was switching between different hasLayout modes. Adding height:1% or something similar (I noticed you use display:inline-block instead) fixes that. I know you said your actual page does not have the problem, but knowing why it happens on your demo page may help you next time you run into that issue with IE.

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