Okay, so viewing the post from the web interface the image didn't work
out. If you can't see the image, then you can view it here (http://


On Apr 21, 12:32 pm, Christopher Jordan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Recently I started using ThickBox for my modal windowing needs, but
> wasn't happy with the "close" button that is hard coded into TB_show().
> I modified it like so:
> function TB_show(caption, url, rel, closeButton) {
>     // closeButton can be a fully formed <img> tag or whatever text you
> want.
>     // If not specified, it will be set to the word 'close'. - csj
> 04/21/2007
>     if(!closeButton){
>         closeButton = "close";
>     }
> ...
> I then made appropriate changes to the lines where the word "close" used
> to be hard coded. In part, the lines look like this:
> <div id='TB_closeWindow'><a href='#' id='TB_closeWindowButton'
> title='Close'>" + closeButton +"</a></div>"
> There are three such lines.
> I also made a small modification to the CSS. I'm not a CSS expert by any
> stretch, so if this can be improved then fantastic. This worked for me
> though.
> #TB_closeAjaxWindow{
>     padding:5px 5px 7px 0px;
>     margin-bottom:1px;
>     text-align:right;
>     float:right;
> }
> The change was really just to the padding.
> Also, the image I used was 16x16 and in order for things to look right I
> had to set the images margin and padding to 0px.
> The finished window looks like this (I hope this turns out for folks):
> Thoughts, comments? Am I nuts? I hope the image turns out for everyone.
> Cheers,
> Chris
> --http://cjordan.info

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