The opacity is set to 0.9999 to avoid a Firefox flicker back in 1.0.
It is no longer in the latest SVN and soon to be 1.3.

Brandon Aaron

On 4/23/07, d3 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

In FireFox and in IE7 after show and hide with speed parameter
opacity of element not restored to 1.

Before execute script:
<p>Test text</p>
After execute script:
<p style="display: block; opacity: 0.9999;">Test text</p>

See it in FireBug or in IE DOM explorer: element P is now with minimal

On 23 апр, 22:17, "Sean Catchpole" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I ran you code in FireFox and in IE6 and recieved no such error.
> ~Sean

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