Sorry, hit the button and the message posted prematurely.

Can I do this?:

   $('p.newsheader', '.newsitem').click(function(){
       var myid = $(this).attr('id');
       $(this).next().load('mynews.lasso?news=' + id);

On Apr 24, 8:03 pm, Shelane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In terms of searching a "scope"  I'm not quite sure if this is true:
> there are many divs with a class of "newsitem".  I want to bind a
> click event to all p.newsheaders within all the newsitems divs.  So,
> this repeats for each story:
> <div class="newsitem">
>    <p class="newsheader">My News Header</p>
>    <div class="newscontent">Content will be loaded here</div>
> </div>
> the next news story will be the same format.
> Can I do this?:
> $(function(){
>    $('p.newsheader', '.newsitem').click(function(){
> });
> On Apr 20, 10:38 am, "Brandon Aaron" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > You can use the jQuery method attr() to get the id attribute of the element.
> > $(this).attr('id');
> > However, since 'this' is the element and there is a DOM property
> > exposing the id you can get the id from the a tag like this.
> >;
> > So with that knowledge here is how the click hander would look.
> > $(function(){
> >    $(this).find('a.reminder').click(function(){
> >        $('#div_' +;
> >        this.blur()
> >        return false;
> >    });//end click
> > });
> > I also just used the DOM method blur instead of the jQuery blur()
> > method (which actually just calls the DOM method blur()). Since you
> > have the DOM element and not doing anything else with it, it makes
> > more sense to just use the DOM method. Saving on typing too. :)
> > You can also write your selector like this:
> > $('a.reminder', this).click(function() {
> > The second parameter is the scope in which jQuery should run the selector.
> > --
> > Brandon Aaron
> > On 4/20/07,ShelaneEnos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > I apologize if this solution is posted, but I searched and trying to get
> > > through hundreds of results is a bit painful.
> > > So I have these titles: Create Reminder, Create Hold Status, Change State.
> > > I want to bind a click event to all of them which will toggle the 
> > > show/hide
> > > attribute of a corresponding div.
> > > So I have this:
> > > $(function(){
> > >     $(this).find('a.reminder').click(function(){
> > >         $(this).toggle();
> > >         $(this).blur();
> > >         return false;
> > >     });//end click
> > > });
> > > However, in this function I'm toggling the title link itself, which is NOT
> > > what I want.  I want to toggle the corresponding div.  so, the titles look
> > > like this in html:
> > > <a href="#" class="reminder" id="areminder">Create Reminder</a>
> > > I would like to use the id ("areminder") in this case to now toggle the 
> > > div
> > > "div_areminder".  How do I find the id of each of these a tags to apply
> > > toggle like this:
> > >     find id method
> > >     $('#div_' + idofatag).toggle();
> > > ??
> > > That's my question.  That you very much.  Have a nice day.

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