Thanks, Scott... yes, that gives me something to "chew on"...


-----Original Message-----
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Scott Sauyet
Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2007 3:08 PM
Subject: [jQuery] Re: Best way to determine if a user has Javascript

Rick Faircloth wrote:
> I think I may try the AJAX solution, partly because I just want to get
> more experience with AJAX and mostly because it seems to be the
> best solution.

It's not that much harder client-side than the others.  But there really 
is more work to do on the server...

> Wait, I see what you're saying... the same link would serve both
> JS and non-JS users.  How would a link that would work for both
> situations be coded?

How to code the server side is way outside the domain of this list.  On 
the client side, perhaps it could be done as simply as this (untested):

     <a class="details" href="eventDetails/?id=27">details</a>

     $(document).ready(function() {
         $("a.details").click(function() {
                    .next("tr").load(this.href + "&ajax=true");
             return false;

This is bare-bones, of course.  You would probably want an animation on 
the display.  Once the ajax has been loaded, you would probably want to 
change the click to a show-hide effect on the newly loaded details row. 
  And you would probably want to guard against re-ajaxing the same 
details on subsequent clicks.  But I think that's the basic idea.

On the server side, your eventDetails code would need to check if the 
ajax parameter was set to true.  If so, just return the contents of that 
row; if not, return a whole page.

Does that help?

   -- Scott

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