Ok, I tried the width thing by initially putting "300px" and nothing
happened.  Then I entered 300 and it worked fine.  Can you place in the
documentation the expected value type (an integer value).  Or maybe allow
people to set measurement types if you detect it's not an integer.

I don't notice my little indicator when it's doing the lookup.  The file
that I have in my css file is there.  Maybe my results are coming back too
fast :-)

Just want to make the comment that I'm glad you're working on this.  I can't
wait to fully abandon my script.aculo.us implementation and not ever have to
worry about the competing libraries again :-) or the super bloated prototype
just to have one silly little piece of functionality.

On 4/30/07 2:55 PM, "Jörn Zaefferer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Shelane,
> thanks for your reports! That helps a lot. In detail:
>> I believe I found a bug in the new autocompleter.  Line 157 has:
>> var $input = $(input).attr("autocomplete",
>> "off").addClass(options.inputClass);
> Good catch, fixed.
>> If the default caching is set at 10 and matcheSubset default is true, why is
>> it making a second call to the server when I add a new letter.
>>     First input: cap
>>     Additional letter: i
>> Then a new query goes out to the server:
>> http://education.llnl.gov/jQuery/pages/lookup.lasso?q=capi&limit=50
> That isn't supposed to happen, I'll need to check that.
>> Second question: is there a way I can do max all?  It seems counter
>> intuitive if caching is used.  Unless it's set so that if caching is used,
>> only the final output is limited.
>> Third question: I have seen a few examples out there including these params:
>> highlight: false,
>>         highlight: function(value) {
>>             //alert(value);
>>             return value;
>>             },
>> But I don't see anything documenting these (in your documentation online).
> I haven't made a new release yet. To keep up-to-date with the latest
> revision you can get it directly from the repository:
> http://dev.jquery.com/browser/trunk/plugins/autocomplete/jquery.autocomplete.j
> s?format=txt
> The updated documentation is already there, but not very readable.
>> Forgot to add my example link:
>> http://education.llnl.gov/jQuery/ajax.html
>> Click auto complete (unknown if this is working at all in IE right now).
>> Definitely in FF.  Your plugin is the second example.
> You may want to set the width of the displayed select box via the width
> option. That should help to avoid line breaks within one item.
> Let me know if you notice anything else!

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