On 01/05/2007, at 4:37 PM, Ariel Jakobovits wrote:
Hey Joel, :), how about a demo page for 'Page Content Menu'?

I'm a very lazy man. Would a couple of examples in the wild do for now? The thread that I announced this plugin contains more info about using it also.

Used the Preshil School site's News Diary page (and a few other pages on that site too):

Used within the demo page for an unrelated jQuery plugin:

Both of those pages use the plugin to dynamically create the in-page navigation, then other plugins act upon that created navigation to further enhance it with animations and scrollTo behaviour. In fact, on that Superfish page I have created a ContentMenuDrawer plugin that uses ContentMenu and enhances it with some other fancy stuff.

Part of the reason I am reluctant to create an actual demo page (aside from laziness which is "reason number one") is that without spending a great deal of time on it (which I don't have at the moment) it would be a fairly underwhelming demo and would not show off how flexible it can be when combined with other plugins and trickery.

Sorry for the long post - maybe I should have used that time to create a demo page? ;)

Joel Birch.

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