
cool idea.

I've done it another way... Hope not to forget what i've done when
upgrading :-)

I make 2 sortable scripts, one for ie and one for others and load them
dynamically onload. But these are still workarounds. I had tried to
change the source, but with no luck (okay, i've not tried very
So maybe one of the developers will see the need of this.


              frank aka dfd

On 30 Apr., 16:41, "Dan G. Switzer, II" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Frank,
> >> i noticed that Sortables always appends a inline-style with hard-coded
> >> displaystyle 'block' ,  at least for div's, to the dragged object.
> >> Grmpf. Not very usable when your display-style is "table-row" or other
> >> table-like styles...
> >> It would be nice if we could have configurable displaystyles:
> >> ...
> >> displaystyle : ($.browser.msie) 'block' : 'table-row',
> >> ...
> I've run into this issue as well in various Interface plug-ins (Draggables,
> Droppables, etc.) What I've done to work around the issue is use the events
> that run at the end of the function to manually set the display style.
> So, for Sortables you'd do:
> $('ul').Sortable(
>         {
>                 accept : 'sortableitem',
>                 activeclass : 'sortableactive',
>                 hoverclass : 'sortablehover',
>                 helperclass : 'sorthelper',
>                 opacity:        0.5,
>                 fit :   false,
>                 onStop: function (dragged){
>                         // change the style on the sorted row
>                         this.style.display = "table-row";
>                 }
>         }
> );
> You probably could use the onStart to track the original style and then use
> onStop to revert back if you have multiple display styles for your
> sortables.
> -Dan

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