David schrieb:


I have an odd problem that I'm trying to solve with jQuery. I have select box with multiple options. Each of the options has a value, which is a database id, and text which is what is displayed in the select box, e.g.:

<select name="payment_method" id="payment_method">
<option value="">Please select:</option>
<option value="">-----------------------</option>
<option value="248">Phone me for payment details</option>
<option value="250">Secure Online Credit Card Payment</option>
</select> The nature of the application means that the database id for each of the options can change, while the text is unchanged. Because of this I need to find a way to select the option by its text instead of its value. For example I need to get the value for the option "Phone me for Payment details" which in this case would return 248. I could then use the value to select the option in the select element.

As far as I know I can't use the filter method to look for values, only to filter by properties or class, so something like this doesn't work:

$("#payment_method").filter("Phone me for payment details").val()

Can anyone think of a way I can do this with jQuery?



filter takes a function as argument:

$('option').filter(function() {
    return this.text == 'Phone me for payment details';

-- Klaus

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