A bit off topic (apologies for hijacking the topic), but I've noticed
that the jQuery version of the page actually has a greater download
requirement than YUI (and only slightly less that Prototype).

jQuery: 177 KB
YUI: 164 KB
Prototype+Scriptaculous: 178 KB

This could be reduced a little if the plugins used by it (dimensions
and form plugin) were easily available in compressed format (rather
than users downloading directly from SVN - which also has the downside
that you don't get the revision number or date (Trac doesn't have a
checkout feature does it?), so you don't know if you have the latest

However, this ignores the fact that for this file size you should be
able to do far more than the others in the demo without any additional

Back on topic:

I noticed that if you hold the mouse button down it scrolls through
the months quite quickly. Also if you keep holding it then move off,
the scrolling stops. Then release the mouse button and move back on
and it resume the scrolling. Not sure if that would be classified as a
bug though (probably not).

So I guess this is due to how it is implemented as compared to the
datePicker by Kelvin (Ext uses mousedown, mouseup; datePicker uses
click). Maybe ClickRepeater should be ported over to jQuery?

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