
> > variable names. You can e.g. do that by encouraging people to use Plugin
> > names like java packages, e.g. "org.jquery.ajax".
> Exactly!  And furthermore if you use a corresponding directory
> structure i.e. /jslib/org/jquery/ajax.js then you should eliminate
> collisions right off the bat.

That is exactly how jsPax searches for its packages.

> It also seems the OpenAjax approach assumes an HTML page with a large
> number of script tags.  In my apps I use two:
> <script src="/jslib/jquery-latest.pack.js" ...></script>
> <script src="/jslib/jqjsan.js" ...></script> // the jQuery port of
> JSAN i mentioned in a previous post
> <script type="text/javascript" ...>
>    $.jsanUse('com.myapp.controller');
> </script>

I simply use
<script src="/scripts/package.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
$package.packageBase = '/scripts/packages';
$using('com.myapp.controller', function() {
                // ... do something when library has finished loading.

> And for the sake of example the file /jslib/com/myapp/controller.js
> would look something like:
> if (typeof self != 'undefined') {
>       if (typeof com == "undefined" ){ com = {};}
>       if (typeof com.myapp == "undefined" ){ com.myapp = {};}
>       if (typeof com.myapp.controller == "undefined" )
> { com.myapp.controller = {
> [...]
>       });
> } else if(typeof $.jsanUse != 'undefined'){
>       $.jsanUse('com.myapp.controller');
> } else {
>       throw new Error("com.myapp.controller does not support your
> platform");
> }

In my case it is

$using('jQuery', function() {
        $package('com.myapp.controller', {
                // ... the com.myapp.controller package.

> Note that functionality like com.myapp.errorClass is loaded on demand
> only if and when I need it. 

That is exactly what jsPax is for. Have a look at jspax.org.

> This keeps the initial footprint small. 

Last time I looked at JSAN, the initial Footprint for jsPax was a lot smaller. 
As I can see from your Script-tags, you are loading jQuery as part of the 
initial Footprint as well. For me jQuery is just another package.

> Since the namespace is created when the package is loaded any further
> calls to $.jsanUse('com.myapp.errorClass') will not reload the files
> as it checks for the namespace first.

jsPax can even find out that a file has already been requested but has not 
finished loading. That way you can do something like this:

$using('jQuery', function() {
        // jQuery is available here
// jQuery is not available here
$using('jQuery.ajax', function() {
        // jQuery.ajax needs the package jQuery as well.
        // here bth packages are available, but jQuery will only be loaded once.

> Overall your jslib may
> contain a larger filesize but you will only be loading small bits
> spread over the time your app is being used.

Yes. I use things like that:

$using('jQuery', function() {
        $(function() {
                $('#myelem').click(function() {
                        $using('some.other.package', function() {
                                // the other package will be loaded after the 
                                // element has been clicked the first time.


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