that's exactly what my code does too, only mine replaces the previous data. and I do get a response, it isn't that, I just get no transfer to the $_POST array

there is no JS or php error reported by firebug or any other.

realtime example: http://l.ä

what you type in the fields should appear next to the "hi" (left means $_POST, right means $_REQUEST)

On 7 May 2007, at 16:36, Massimiliano Marini wrote:

I'm sending something like this
$.post("/scripts/login.php",{u:"USER",p:"PASS",r:"STAY"},function (txt)


create a <div id="response"></div>

try this code and let me know if work.

P.S.: My advice is to use firebug for a better debug detail.

Massimiliano Marini -
"It's easier to invent the future than to predict it."  -- Alan Kay

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