On Monday, May 07, 2007 4:02 PM Daemach <> said:

> I just uploaded my latest plugin, tableFilter().  It's an early beta
> with ugly, less than optimal code, but it works pretty well.  Feed it
> a clean table and it will auto-filter, auto-sort and auto-page.  You
> can sort and/or filter on multiple columns using ctrl-click.  It works
> well in Firefox to at least 1000 rows (I haven't tried anything
> larger), but IE starts to bog down.  More reasonable tables work
> pretty well in both.
> Demos and download at: http://ideamill.synaptrixgroup.com/?p=7

That is slick!

How about:

* RegEx in the filter boxes? :)
* Comparison operators in number fields? ">25", "25-51.4", "<10, >20",


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