On May 10, 1:58 pm, Bil Corry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I added "mouseover" and it worked a little better than onblur alone.
> - Bil

Just made another updated. Here's the change log:

Added "onpaste" event handler for IE and "oninput" event handler for
Mozilla. This should cover most instances of a user pasting code into
the textarea. Added "onfocus", "onmouseover", and "onmouseout" which
seems to cover drag-n-drop interactions in IE and FF pretty well.
Safari doesn't play nice with drag-n-drop (need to manually give the
textarea focus after drag-n-drop to make the counter update --
dragging into the textarea doesn't focus it, and the mouseover/out
events aren't fired unless the textarea is focused). Removed the
"onblur" handler as I don't think it was adding anything at this point.

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