On May 10, 2:37 pm, Jörn Zaefferer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> JMan schrieb:> Hello,
> > I am using the form validation plugin and I am stuck on the addMethod.
> > I have created a method using the addMethod function, in this I have
> > an ajax call to a server side page that validates the passed value.
> > Every thing works ok except I cannot figure out how to get the new
> > userNameInUse method I created to return true or false based on the
> > result of the ajax call.
> With the current design that isn't possible with asynchronous calls. For
> a workaround, add async:false to the $.ajax options. With that the
> validation method doesn't return until the request finished.
> --
> Jörn Zaefferer
> http://bassistance.de

Thank you!

I was able to look at the httprequest object but it was getting
returned too soon and did not have any response text yet. Your
recomendation should fix me right up... Thanks again!

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